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The Curriculum at Stour Valley Community School


Stour Valley Community School will provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which has been coherently planned and sequenced to inspire, challenge and safeguard all our students.

Our vision is for all students to:

  • Achieve their potential through a culture of high academic, personal and social expectations and aspirations alongside appropriate levels of challenge and support;
  • Have their needs met and be recognised as individuals through tailored programmes of study, which are underpinned by high quality inclusion and pastoral care systems;
  • Learn in a safe, healthy and stimulating environment;
  • Enjoy a broad extra-curricular programme, which enables students to develop their experiences beyond the classroom and discover their latent talents.

We will provide the necessary experiences which will enable our students to become:

Successful learners, who:
  • Have the essential learning skills of literacy, numeracy and information technology;
  • Are creative, resourceful and able to solve problems with the knowledge and cultural capital to do so successfully;
  • Have enquiring minds and think for themselves to process information, reason, question and evaluate;
  • Communicate effectively in a range of ways;
  • Understand how they learn, and learn from mistakes with a high level of resilience;
  • Are able to learn independently and as part of a team, being able to apply their learning in relevant situations;
  • Understand the ideas and events which shape the modern world;
  • Enjoy learning and are motivated to become lifelong learners, having sufficient knowledge for skills and future learning and employment;
  • Are well prepared for life and able to adapt within a changing workplace.
Confident learners, who:
  • Have a sense of self-worth and believe in themselves;
  • Are self-aware and deal with their emotions appropriately;
  • Have secure values and beliefs;
  • Become increasingly independent, and are able to take the initiative;
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices in relation to physical development and an active lifestyle whilst taking responsibility for their own physical and mental health;
  • Take managed risks and know how to keep themselves safe;
  • Are willing to try new things and make the most of opportunities presented to them.
Responsible citizens, who:
  • Are well prepared for life, work and independence;
  • Are enterprising and able to work co-operatively with others;
  • Respect others and act with integrity through well-developed spiritual, moral and social understanding;
  • Understand different cultures and traditions and understand their place in the world; • Appreciate diversity and the benefits it can bring;
  • Challenge injustice and are committed to human rights;
  • Maintain and improve the environment, both locally and globally;
  • Make choices which support current and future generations;
  • Are committed to change for the better.

Through this vision, we intend for our students to be equipped to take their place in society as valued, economically independent, co-operative and motivated young adults with the necessary skills for successful and happy lives.

Click here to view our Curriculum Policy: