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  • School Uniform

    School Uniform

All students are expected to wear Stour Valley Community School uniform. As a member of the school, students will develop a sense of pride in themselves and their uniform. Parental co-operation is essential to achieve this aim. To view our full policy on school uniform, please visit our Policies section.

The majority of our uniform can be purchased from Price and Buckland (link at bottom of the page): alternatively please contact our reception who hold a large quantity of second hand items which are available for a small donation to the school.


Accepted - black, embroidered school crest on the pocket


Accepted - black or charcoal formal/school trousers
Not accepted - leggings, jogging bottoms, denim, "jean style", shorts or three-quarter length trousers


Accepted - black or charcoal formal skirt, worn to the knee or below.  No cotton jersey or thin lycra skirts as these do not stay to the knee.


Accepted - white shirt, short or long-sleeved. Must button to the neck and be tucked in at the waist at all times
Not accepted - coloured base layers


Accepted - royal blue v-necked jumper optional
Not accepted - royal blue sweatshirts


Accepted - blue and gold school clip-on. Alternative tie given to Prefects


Accepted, plain leather or "leather-look" black school shoe, flat or low heeled
Not accepted - trainers, boots, canvas or cotton materials


Accepted - plain, beige, black or nearly black


Accepted - one small plain stud in each earlobe (max 6mm diameter), watch
Not accepted - any other piercings, including nose studs, tongue studs, additional earrings around the ear

Make Up

Accepted - discreet, unobtrusive
Not accepted - acrylic/gel/false nails, nail varnish, false lashes


Accepted - natural hair colour, small, discreet styling accessories
Not accepted - extreme hairstyles, shaved designs

Outdoor clothing & other items

Accepted - outer coat when required
Not accepted - hoodies

The school blazer, royal blue jumper, tie and PE kit are available from Price & Buckland. Other items may be purchased from any retailer.

A reusable bottle for water (water stations around school).

A reusable container for take-aways from the canteen (should your child wish to eat outside).

For Drama lessons, all students are requested to wear school trousers due to the practical nature of the subject. If school trousers are not available, PE shorts are acceptable.

PE KIT (for all students)

Rugby Shirt

Blue SVCS rugby shirt with dark blue side panels and school logo

Polo Shirt

Blue SVCS polo shirt with school logo


Plain black or navy blue


Blue football type for outdoor PE and white sports socks for indoor PE


Sports trainers (not canvas/plimsoles) 

Jogging Bottoms

Plain black or navy blue

Sports Leggings

Black or navy blue (must not be see through when stretched)


Standard-sized towel


Practical, standard, any colour (no bikinis)

Shin pads and gum shield


Studded Boots

Compulsory (boys only)

PE Sweater

Optional but recommended - navy blue SVCS PE sweater with school logo


PE kit is expected for every PE lesson, regardless of injury or illness. It is then at the discretion of PE staff as to whether kit will be required.

All items of clothing should be named. We can highly recommend purchasing Stikins labels (printed labels that stick on, and stay on). Our unique fundraising number is 36034.

Please also note that students must not wear items of outdoor clothing inside. This includes hats, gloves and scarves. These should be left in lockers.

Students should wear a blazer at all times unless given permission not to do so by a member of staff, for example in warm weather. No denim or leather clothing should be worn.

We retain the right to send students home if they are not in full school uniform. This is made explicit to parents by means of our Home-School Agreement.