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  • Student Absence

    Student Absence

Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance at school on a regular basis is the key to doing well and sets students up with good habits for later life and the working world. If your child is not in school, then you must have a justifiable reason. 

Parents/carers should use the dedicated absence line to notify school on each day of absence (01787 326941) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Permission will not be given for holidays to be taken during term-time and will be recorded in the register as an unauthorised absence. Any unauthorised absence of four or more school days (eight sessions) in any school year will trigger a fixed penalty notice fine which is issued by Suffolk County Council (please see FPN Leaflet).

Punctuality is an important part of self-discipline and is essential to good time management. If your child is late for any reason they should sign-in at Reception.