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  • English


The study of English at SVCS is about developing literacy skills to not only access the full scope of the English curriculum but to be able to fully engage with all aspects of the school’s curriculum, to develop creative thinking skills and independence of learning enabling students to be confident and articulate users of the English Language. Our KS3 and KS4 curriculum offers an integrated curriculum that introduces the skills needed for students to not only fulfil their potential at GCSE but to be empowered and ready for education beyond 16 and into the world of work.

Key Stage 3

Our KS3 curriculum plan explores how language works and what language is for, along with developing a student’s articulate and critical voice to convey an informed personal response to a variety of texts. We explore texts from different eras and examine the English Literary Heritage along with its origins in ancient Greek mythological stories, Old English texts, Shakespeare texts, texts from the 19th century (as a lead into understanding the significance of this era for GCSE study) and modern literary stories along with the study of non-fiction and spoken language as a way of exploring and understanding how language works in different contexts. Students’ competencies with spelling, punctuation and grammar are consolidated and developed to match the students’ growth in being able to articulate more complex ideas with a growing range of vocabulary and a growing intellectual capacity enabling language-rich writing and discussions. In addition, reading is at the heart of our lessons and time is taken to encourage students by fostering the habit and enjoyment of private reading.

Key Stage 4

Our KS4 curriculum is largely shaped by the demands of the AQA examination programme. It builds directly on the skills developed from KS3 and prepares students to achieve their very best in their GCSE examinations as well as preparing them for their post-16 education and the world of work. Texts and content are chosen (where we have choice) to best suit the needs and the abilities of our students coupled with challenge and rigour to build a resilient student who is able to apply their understanding of how language works and why it works in given contexts. In English Literature students need to be able to analyse how and why writers use language to express meaning and effect for their readers along with how and why writers write within given contexts (social, historical, cultural and philosophical). Students need to be able to identify and interpret both explicit and implicit information and ideas, explaining and commenting on how writers use language to create effects and influence their readers. Students will be able to communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively and should be able to organise information and ideas using coherent strategies for using the right words in the right place