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  • Special Educational Needs

    Special Educational Needs

We are committed to building brighter futures for students with SEND at Stour Valley. We believe in the uniqueness of all students and support our students in discovering the gifts that they have to share with others.  


  • To support students with SEND, enabling them to overcome their difficulties and develop lifelong skills which will prepare them for adulthood
  • To assess students' individual needs from the earliest-possible stage. Plan and deliver appropriate provision to support students and Review progress
  • To work in close partnership with parents/carers of students who have Special Educational Needs
  • To plan an effective curriculum to meet the needs of students with Special Educational Needs
  • To involve students and parents/carers in the identification and review of the targets and objectives set for individual students
  • To ensure that staff are aware of the procedures for identifying students' needs and know how to gain advice
  • To improve students' self-esteem by setting aspirational goals that are broken down into achievable steps, thereby promoting success and fostering self-motivation whilst maintaining high expectations
  • To work in close partnership, where appropriate, with outside agencies to support the needs and provision for children who have Special Educational Needs

View our SEND report here

View our SEND policy here

Universal Offers

At Stour Valley, each area of the curriculum has its own offer for students with SEND. Students at Stour Valley with specific needs have access to the provisions outlined in the subjects Universal Offer as standard. On top of this, students on the SEN register have Person-Centred Plans to support all students to access our curriculum.