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  • Financial Wellbeing
    Financial Wellbeing
This report The Reality of UK Child Poverty Explained - Channel 4 News suggests that child poverty is increasing so we'd like to make sure you are aware of the support available to you in the area.
REACH Haverhill is an independent charity that believes in a relational handholding approach to helping families and individuals who are suffering from or struggling with the effects of financial crisis or hardship.  This includes debt advice, benefit help, housing, emergency food and utility assistance and more.
We work with many partners to deliver life transforming financial support to local communities from our bases in Haverhill and Newmarket.  Our partners include The Trussell Trust, Community Money Advice, Acts 435 and many more.
We long to see thriving families and individuals living their lives to the full.  To this end, we journey with the people we are supporting, for however long it takes, to bring a solution to their current crisis and hardship.
Alongside our practical handholding support, we also use our experience, data and research to feed into the bigger picture both locally and nationally to challenge some of the unfair structures that keep people trapped in poverty.
We were founded by River of Life Community Church in 2005 initially as a debt advice centre. We went on to launch further projects under the name of REACH Community Projects and became an independent charity on 1st April 2017.