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  • Physical Education

    Physical Education

All students should possess the knowledge and skills to overcome obstacles and achieve a physically fit lifestyle. Our priority for our students is to foster in them an appreciation for physical activity and develop their abilities to make good health related decisions long after they leave SVCS.

During Years 7,8 and 9 curriculum time the PE department offers opportunities for our students to participate and be assessed in a range of sports which include activities such as:

Fitness Activities

The curriculum has been designed to provide opportunities for students to:

  • build on fundamental movement skills and increase motor competence
  • get involved in a broad range of different activities that, in combination, develop the whole body
  • develop knowledge of rules, strategies and tactics
  • learn and use PE specific terminology
  • experience a range of roles within a physical activity
  • specialise in specific activities and roles
  • follow pathways to other activities in and beyond school
  • perform as an individual, in a group or as part of a team in formal competitions or performances to audiences beyond the class
  • use ICT as an aid to improving performance and tracking progress
  • make links between PE and other subjects and areas of the curriculum.

Alongside curriculum time the PE department will run an extra curricular timetable which will offer opportunities to further develop skills and ideas and to try a range of additional sports as well as a competitive inter-school fixture calendar designed to promote school sport and aid personal and team development.

In Years 10 and 11 students have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities designed to promote lifelong involvement in sport. This includes additional sports such as Tchoukball, Ultimate Frisbee, Dodgeball, Swimming Survival and fitness elements not included in the Year 7, 8 and 9 curriculum.

In addition students can opt in to full course BTEC Sport Level 2 which gives access to an additional 2 hours of practical activity and 4 hours of theory based work per fortnight. This provides students with a relevant and up to date qualification for further education or a career in the sport and leisure industry.

The PE Department also offer:

  • a range of free to use extra-curricular club throughout the week for students to develop their skills and foster their love of sport and activity. 
  • opportunities to attend sports trips to National and International sporting events throughout the year such as Twickenham, British Basketball League Finals, Wimbledon, International Netball, Football events etc.
  • opportunities to take part in different House Sports Competitions and events. These take place each half term throughout the year and include Football, Netball, Dodgeball, Basketball, Rounders, Athletics and Swimming.
  • opportunities to represent the school in a number of local and national competitions across a range of sports.