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  • Music


In Music we explore composition, performance and listening/analysis. Lessons involve a mixture of listening and theory-based tasks and practical work. In Key Stage 3, students will learn to play band instruments such as Keyboard, Guitar and Drums. Students will also make use of our class set of Ukuleles as well as singing together as a group. Our classroom is also equipped with computers and all year groups learn to use Soundtrap to create, edit and playback music via technology. At Key Stage 4, students follow the OCR GCSE Music examination to develop their own instrumental skills and study a wide variety of music genres.

Individual and Group Instrumental tuition is available for a range of instruments – including strings; woodwind – flute, clarinet, recorder and saxophone; piano; acoustic, electric and bass guitar; drum kit; ukulele and voice. Please note there is a charge for these lessons. Please email any instrument lesson requests directly to Mrs Hutchinson, the Head of Music.

Students are encouraged to join in any of the extra-curricular Music Activities such as the school production and Ukulele club and also have the opportunity to use the Music facilities at lunchtimes to play or rehearse as bands