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  • E-Safety


At Stour Valley Community School we educate and protect our students in their use of Technology and the internet. We aim to constantly reinforce the responsibilities that our students have when surfing the web through Computer Science lessons, PSHE lessons and Year Group Assemblies. The school network usage is filtered and regularly monitored.
Obviously, we can only provide these safeguards within school – it is equally important that students are encouraged to use the internet safely and responsibly on mobile devices and outside of school.
The world of digital technology moves at an incredible pace. For young people growing up in this environment, it may feel perfectly natural to interact with the latest technology and to become immersed in the online world. The challenge for parents is to ensure that their children enjoy the huge benefits of the internet safely and responsibly.
Internet Matters have created child friendly online safety leaflets that are age and theme specific that you may find useful.
The links below provide further information for Parents and Students: 

Useful Factsheets for Parents: