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  • Art & Photography

    Art & Photography

Art & Design at Stour Valley Community School provides an art experience for all students. The Art and Design curriculum offers students the opportunity to consolidate and build on prior learning by making personal responses to a range of stimuli. Focusing on a skills base of painting, drawing, printmaking, three-dimensional work and textiles enhanced by the use of technology, students are given opportunities to move forward with confidence and competence in a curriculum area which thrives on individuality and creativity.

Students are supported and guided to understand the key concepts of creativity, competence, critical and cultural understanding which underpin the study of Art. They are given opportunities to both explore and create from a base of understanding through evaluation. Students will be encouraged to explore different ideas, materials and techniques and will be given opportunities to experience at first hand the work of other artists in informing their own ideas.

Students work independently and collaboratively to fulfil their aspirations. Close links with the local and wider communities, combined with extra-curricular opportunities, will enhance and enrich the learning which goes on within the well-equipped, purpose-built studio space. The studio ethos embraces the notion of recognising and celebrating the unique contribution all students can make to this curriculum area and nurtures the opportunity for studying the subject to the highest levels.

Aims and objectives

  • Make a contribution to a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Contribute to the personal and social development of the individual
  • Develop an awareness of the use of art, craft and design in other areas
  • Promote positive working relationships between teacher/student and student/student

Students are influenced by the environment in which they work. The Art & Design department aims at creating a dynamic and attractive environment that provides stimulus material and resources, easy access to materials and equipment and celebrates the success of student work.

Key Stage 3

Year 7 

Students develop key skills of drawing, design and ceramics and painting. They learn how to develop a project and present ideas in their sketchbook. The gargoyle project teaches students to research a range of sources and artists to help them develop their own ideas for a final piece. They learn how to construct a ceramic pinch pot which they will glaze at the end of the unit. The print project, then enables them to learn a range of printmaking techniques and processes. 

Year 8 

Students develop their skills in craft-based techniques and design areas within the 2 year 8 units. They learn about the traditional technique of Batik and generate personal designs to suit the process. Students learn a range of painting and design skills to develop their own ideas for creating a Pop Art poster, inspired by their chosen artist.

Year 9 

Students develop their independence in the final year of KS3 Art.

They explore ideas in response to their project title of Skulls. The unit allows them to develop their drawing skills with accuracy and looking carefully at tonal ranges. They are introduced to a number of media workshops, teaching them new processes and techniques they may choose to use in their final pieces.

For the final unit in year 9, students opt to study one subject from Art, Drama and Music. This final unit is a mini taste of the GCSE Art course and allows students to develop ideas in response to cultural stimuli. They generate a range of designs and refine them effectively, before constructing their ceramic slab pot.

Key Stage 4

These courses provide students with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to develop their creative interests in ways that are personally relevant. The students will explore practical, critical and contextual work through a range of processes and media 

GCSE Art, Craft and Design

Content and Assessment

Unit 1:  PORTFOLIO of WORK … 60% of total marks

  • A series of units exploring different areas of Art & Design (sketchbooks and final pieces)
  • All assessment objectives must be covered
  • The portfolio is marked by the centre and moderated by AQA.

Unit 2: Externally Set Task … 40% of the total marks

  • Question paper issued in January of Year 11
  • Choose ONE theme from the exam paper
  • Ten weeks of preparation time to produce evidence for AO 1, 2 and 3
  • 10 hours in exam conditions to produce personal response for AO 4

Both units must show evidence for all ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES

  • AO1   Develop ideas
  • AO2  Experiment with ideas 
  • AO3  Record ideas
  • AO4  Produce a personal response

GCSE Photography

Content and Assessment

Unit 1:  PORTFOLIO of WORK … 60% of total marks

  • A series of units exploring different areas of Art & Design (sketchbooks and final pieces)
  • All assessment objectives must be covered
  • The portfolio is marked by the centre and moderated by AQA.

Unit 2: Externally Set Task … 40% of the total marks

  • Question paper issued in January of Year 11
  • Choose ONE theme from the exam paper
  • Ten weeks of preparation time to produce evidence for AO 1, 2 and 3
  • 10 hours in exam conditions to produce personal response for AO 4

Both units must show evidence for all ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES

  • AO1   Develop ideas
  • AO2  Experiment with ideas 
  • AO3  Record ideas
  • AO4  Produce a personal response