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Our intent is that every student leaves our school confident and competent to deal with any mathematical problem they may face in their lives and future careers. This is achieved through promoting students to be resilient in their approach, take risks to deepen their knowledge, forge valuable working relationships and take responsibility for and enjoy their learning. We aim to push students to be the best mathematicians by building up their skills base and maximising their GCSE grade in mathematics, whichever grade that may be.

The mathematics schemes of work are designed to fulfil this remit. In Key Stage 3 students study a broad mathematics curriculum at a level suitable to their ability, in order for them to make the maximum progress. Throughout all years students are taught to apply their knowledge in a range of functional contexts to help prepare them for the wider world as well as the rigours of the GCSE exam.

The mathematics curriculum is designed to deliver teaching and learning that provides students with the knowledge and skills to achieve well academically and be successful in the wider world once their education with us ends. Our curriculum provides students with the skills to build strong understanding, which enables students to continually build on their knowledge. Although the curriculum is taught in broad streams the setting and streaming is fluid. All students in years 7, 8 and 9 may change streams at any time to facilitate  their individual learning and provide them with the best possible progress and opportunity to be successful.

Year 7

During Y7 students study a broad range of units covering topics across the mathematics curriculum. At the heart of this curriculum is a strong base of basic numeracy so that any barriers for individual students are identified and addressed. All students complete weekly numeracy starters to practise and overlearn these key skills so that students have the necessary tools to access their future learning and any mathematical problems they may face in the wider world.

GCSE Study

Students who have attained well during KS3 and are confident in all areas of the curriculum start to study objectives from the Higher tier syllabus. Students who have accessed KS3 well but still struggle in certain areas will study objectives from the Foundation syllabus. Upon completion revision topics are taught and past papers are issued and completed to enable the students to access GCSE style questions and gain full understanding how to answer the questions effectively.

Post 16

The 5-year curriculum is designed so that all learners are equipped with skills and knowledge for them to be successful in which route they choose after KS4. Their mathematical ability will prepare them for any challenge they may face in the future, be that academically, professionally, or personally. Throughout the Higher syllabus the teaching and learning provided gives students a solid grounding to be able to progress to studying mathematics at a higher level. Students are given the insight and skills to attain at the highest levels of the GCSE syllabus but also the understanding of the theory behind why the techniques they learn achieve the solution they find. Those students who are coping well with the Higher syllabus can broaden their mathematical knowledge by attending after school lessons to study towards a Further Maths Level 2 qualification. This gives them an extra grounding in preparation for further study whilst also solidifying their skills at GCSE.


Final examinations at the end of Year 11 consisting of 3 papers, each assessing elements of all 5 curriculum strands:

Paper 1 : Non-Calculator

Paper 2 : Calculator

Paper 3 : Calculator

Each paper is 1h 30mins long for both the Higher tier (grades 9-1) and the Foundation tier (grades 5-1).       

Useful GCSE Revision Links


  Maths Watch    

for homework and Revision with lots of videos explaining the skills


5 a day GCSE 

which enables students to do some practise questions EVERY DAY!


Videos and Workshops

an excellent source of practise questions and videos


Maths Genie

a similar site with Edexcel GCSE past papers with model solutions and video explanations



BBC Bitesize – a great place for more explanation and examples