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  • Special Education Needs & Disability Policy
    Special Education Needs & Disability Policy

SENDCO: Rachael Chester (National SENDCO Award) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 01787 279342

SLT Responsibility: Mr Nick Mussett

All members of staff, in conjunction with the authorities (Governing Body and Local Authority (LA) have a responsibility to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to attain their maximum potential in all aspects of the curriculum. Students are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum (incorporating personalised provision), and their relative progress will be recorded, valued and reviewed.

Stour Valley Community School is committed to meeting the needs of all students with special educational needs (SEND) so that they can achieve their potential academically and socially. The aim of this policy is to remove barriers to success, whether they stem from the classroom approach to learning, the physical nature of the learning environment or the social nature of the student’s life in school.
