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  • Aladdin


Article Date: 05 March 2025

Article Date: 05 March 2025

On 12th, 13th and 14th February SVCS presented the performance of ‘Aladdin’, with a cast of over 50 students from Year 7 to Year 11.

Back in September students auditioned for their parts in the show and rehearsals started promptly. Both Miss Wright and Mrs Hutchinson were so impressed with the fantastic voices and enthusiasm shown by every single student! The auditions were a great success, and we were especially pleased to see so many Year 7s getting involved, with two students getting main roles having only been at SVCS for a short period of time.

Rehearsals were very busy with students attending two-hour sessions twice a week. Students learnt popular songs from the 70s-90s, dances and acting scenes.

The whole school community were getting involved in the school show and provided students with leadership opportunities. Students in Makers Club with Mr Stephen built our set, for example, fire and ice mountain, market stalls and Chinese dragon. All of the set from the show was created from recycled materials and then taken back to the DT department in order to reduce the amount of waste produced. Performing Arts Society supported the advertising, programme, front of house and selling of tickets by taking the Panda into the hall and outside at lunchtime to hand out flyers. Backstage crew, lighting and sound were operated by students at all performances.

Show week arrived! On the 12th February, students performed a matinee performance to Year 6 students from Clare Primary School and fellow SVCS students which was a huge success! Year 6 pupils made some comments after the performance, such as: ‘The panda was great!’; ‘Wishee Washee is so funny!’; ‘I like the songs and dances’; ‘Can we come back again?’ and ‘Aladdin and Jasmine are amazing singers’. This was then followed by three AMAZING evening performance. Audience feedback was very positive, and they were amazed with how talented our students are at SVCS.

Keep an eye open for news about upcoming shows!

(See photo gallery for more pictures)

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