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  • CEC Green Initiatives Starting After Half Term

    CEC Green Initiatives Starting After Half Term

Article Date: 15 May 2023

Article Date: 15 May 2023
  1. Container for take-aways

The CEC is excited to bring its latest environmental campaigns to students and staff at Stour Valley Community School after half-term.

All Y7-10 students have had an assembly about this and Y11s have been informed by tutors, so that they are aware on the days they are in for lunch.

After half-term, the canteen will be vastly reducing its use of packaging. This will not only reduce litter around the school site but will also reduce the school’s overall waste.  Students have two options. They can either eat on a plate in the hall after which they will place their crockery and utensils on a trolley to be washed. Alternatively, if students wish to have a take-away, they can bring their own re-usable container, much like most of our students bring in re-usable water bottles.

Please help us work towards our school and community’s Net Zero goals by reminding your child to bring in their re-usable container.

      2.  Seven Ways to Save the World

After half-term, we will also be collaborating with Clare Community Primary School to roll out our ‘Seven Ways to Save the World’ initiative.  Mr Davies has run this successfully at the primary school and we love the idea!

Every Monday, tutors will read out the week’s challenge to tutees. This will be a challenge students can carry out at home. The CEC members will collect names of students who have completed the challenge at the end of the week. All those who have done the challenge will get Eco house points and will automatically be entered into a prize draw. Students can complete as many challenges as they want to. The idea is to get students to think about and action ways that make an impact.

 We want both these initiatives to be positive experiences for our students, where they feel empowered to be driving change on a personal, community and global level.

 If you have any queries, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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