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Article Date: 10 February 2023

Article Date: 10 February 2023
When the curtain went down on High School Musical in February 2019, we had no idea it would be another four years before we were able to put on a whole school musical again. Some of the Year 11 cast were in that production as Year 7’s….no other students in the cast have had the opportunity to be part of an SVCS school production….until now!
We have been so impressed with the children; their dedication, hard work, enthusiasm and love of performing has meant that they have made the rehearsal process so, so easy for the production team; singing louder when we nagged them; rising to the challenge of the most difficult choreography we have ever had; learning their lines without complaint (well not to us anyway!) and turning up week after week to make sure the show came together.... and they have produced a show we are immensely proud of.
We would like to thank the staff who have contributed to the success of the show, whether it be giving up their time, their students to rehearsals or donating raffle prizes, it has all been greatly appreciated.  Special thanks to LX Professionals for the hire of the Morris Minor and other set props.
Miss Duffy, Mrs Hutchinson, Miss Dawson and Mr Craig - The Grease Production Team

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