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  • Lots of smiles on GCSE results day

    Lots of smiles on GCSE results day

Article Date: 22 August 2024

Article Date: 22 August 2024

Stour Valley Community School’s class of 2024 collected their GCSE results today. This year group's hard work and resilience was recognised and we are particularly pleased to see that so many of them made such good progress from their individual starting points, at every level. This year group has been through some challenging times, the year group that was most impacted by the school closures during the pandemic.

Some of our top achievers gaining mainly 7 – 9 grades were: Rose Broomhall, Brook James-De’Ath, William McBride, Thomas Kuyper, Sam Doherty, Charlotte Farrow and Jolin Zhao.

All the staff at Stour Valley congratulate each and every one of the Class of 2024 and wish them all the very best for the future as they move onto the next stage of their education.

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