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  • Mr Spalding's Unexpected Party!

    Mr Spalding's Unexpected Party!

Article Date: 04 July 2024

Article Date: 04 July 2024

On Tuesday, Mr Spalding and his band of D and D players (Dungeons and Dragons) embarked on a journey around the school grounds where he had to answer a series of riddles taken from the book 'The Hobbit'. Once he answered them correctly, he then received items of clothing which transformed him into Gandalf the Gray. Before the journey culminated in a party in U8, Gandalf the Gray and his Fellowship of Hobbits and Goblins toured the school allowing all students to participate in Mr Spalding's transformation. During the unexpected party, the surprises and fun did not stop as Mr Spalding received a trophy for his time as Dungeon Master from the Head, Mrs Kelly, plus he also received two other gifts: one from Oscar and the other from Noah. Noah's present was particularly spectacular as he had created the Tower of Doom from clay, which he then decorated with 20 skulls (each one representing one of the D and D players in the group) which he then painted himself.

The students involved were absolutely wonderful, as the unexpected party had been under development and completely secret since our first discussions in February. Every single student contributed something to the surprise, be it food, the map or some wonderful idea. A special mention needs to be made for Miss Milburn and her son Cameron (one of Mr Spalding's previous tutees) who created a wonderful staff and to the two year 11s, Felix and Connor, who returned to celebrate with Mr Spalding. A splendiferous time was had by all.

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