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  • Year 8 Shakespeare Activity Day

    Year 8 Shakespeare Activity Day

Article Date: 09 March 2023

Article Date: 09 March 2023

On the 7th March, the Year 8s had an amazing experience where a talented actor was able to support their learning and understanding of the play, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Students were given an opportunity to discover how actors focused on the idea of power, intent and how characters’ show their emotions through the language of Shakespeare.

Responses from our Year 8s:

"In the Shakespeare play I really enjoyed having the chance of playing some of the characters in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’""

"I liked the fact that we could pick partners and then direct the pairs chosen to play the characters"

"I learned to make sure you do a voice that sounds like the character""

"I liked how we focused on one scene at a time"

"It was interesting when we used chairs to show who was important and who wasn’t so important"

"I played Demetrius, I enjoyed this as he was one of the lovers. I learned that you needed to change your tone of voice for each person you play"

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