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  • Sports Day 2023

    Sports Day 2023

Article Date: 17 July 2023

Article Date: 17 July 2023

SPORTS DAY 2023 - this year’s sports day took a new angle to include every pupil across KS3 in a multitude of activities. We had a mixture of team games, individual sports, traditional matches and unique activities through the morning with athletic track and field events in the afternoon. With the inclement weather intervening we concluded today with the relay and tug of war. A fantastic turnout and huge numbers of participation with students being brave to tackle new activities, working collaboratively to organise their teams and demonstrating kindness to each other as events were won and lost. SVCS staff had fun too! Winners were Year 7 - Orwell, Year 8 - Deben and Year 9 - Kennet, with the overall winning team being ORWELL. Well done to everyone involved. It was a super event with Spiderman even attending! More photos to follow......

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