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  • The BBC Bitesize School Tour

    The BBC Bitesize School Tour

Article Date: 18 December 2023

Article Date: 18 December 2023

Last Friday at SVCS all students had the opportunity to attend the BBC Bitesize School tour focused on Careers. They heard from 3 panellists: Joe May, a freelance production secretary; Steph Parmee, the learning manager at Gainsborough House; and Jacob Ottaway, a BBC broadcast journalist. Each year group had a session tailored to their age range and alongside hearing the personal career journeys of the hosts, heard messages not limited to the following: 

  • Persistence is really important. 
  • Try your hardest in everything, you might surprise yourself.  
  • Take responsibility for your work, your applications, your opportunities. 
  • GCSEs don’t determine your success, your attitude and effort does.  
  • Follow your passion, do what you love and what you’re good at.  
  • That you can change your mind at any stage, a job is not a lifetime commitment. 
  • The importance of employability skills. 

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