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  • Year 7 Thriftwood Residential Trip - May 2023

    Year 7 Thriftwood Residential Trip - May 2023

Article Date: 13 June 2023

Article Date: 13 June 2023

Over the three days of the 24-26th of May, 84 students and 12 staff took part in the Year 7 residential camping trip to Thriftwood Scout Campsite.  The weather was perfect with warm sunshine during the day and temperatures not being too cold in the evenings, perfect camping weather.

Students were asked to follow the three key rules of camp:

1. Listen when any adult is talking to you. 

2. Give everything a go, push yourself, step out of your comfort zone.

3. Have fun, but not at the expense of others. 

The students really took these to heart, encouraging each other (by quoting rule 2 to each other) and achieving things themselves that they never thought possible.

Students ate plenty of tasty food and took part in professionally led activities ranging from climbing and abseiling to kayaking and zip lines and not forgetting the popular archery and axe throwing.  Students also thoroughly enjoyed the campfire entertainments on the Thursday evening which rounded off a great three days. 

Lots more photos to be seen on our photo gallery ......

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