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  • Year 11 History Students

    Year 11 History Students

Article Date: 07 March 2023

Article Date: 07 March 2023
Our two combined groups of year 11 History students have started their intense revision in the hall in the build-up to exams. So far, their behaviour has been exemplary, and they have been a real pleasure for Miss Howard to teach. Yesterday we looked at an overview of the Living Under Nazi Rule topic, today we made sure we had specific examples of propaganda and terror and evaluated these for their effectiveness including planning for an exam style question. Over the next few lessons, we will revise Germany at War and the treatment of Occupied Nations, before we return to our Crime and Punishment topic. Revision at home will be key to their success over the next couple of months, so we'd like to remind you that there are resources for this on Teams. For Nazi Germany revision videos, students can start here:

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