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  • Year 7 Thriftwood Residential Trip - May 2024

    Year 7 Thriftwood Residential Trip - May 2024

Article Date: 03 July 2024

Article Date: 03 July 2024

A great three days was had by students (and staff) on our Year 7 residential visit to Thriftwood Scout Camp site.  Students embodied the spirit of each of our school values, showing excellent collaboration working and encouraging each other, demonstrating bravery through pushing themselves to reach the top of the climbing wall and leap of faith. 

Even with lots of rain on the first day students demonstrated kindness to each other and resilience to meet the challenges of camping in the wet as we got everything set up, and finally ambition, to always meet one of the golden rules of camp – ‘push yourself to face your fears and achieve more than you can imagine.’   Students made the most of every activity, enjoyed delicious food and treats and created memories that will stay with them for a long time.

There are lots more photos of this trip on our Photo Gallery ...

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