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  • Be Ambitious - Cadet World Championships

    Be Ambitious - Cadet World Championships

Article Date: 09 January 2023

Article Date: 09 January 2023

A Year 10 student, Oscar Bush (and his older brother Toby who was a Year 11 leaver in 2022) really lived into our Stour Valley value to 'Be Ambitious'. They were selected to be part of the national team representing Great Britain at the Cadet World Championships in Melbourne, Australia over the Christmas period. 

Oscar and Toby competed in 2 events which were varying conditions which really put them through their paces. This was Oscar's first international championships as a helm and he managed to achieve great mid-fleet results in both events. Toby managed a 3rd place in the Australian National Championships and achieved a 1st place in the Cadet World Championships. As a result Toby is the current Cadet Class World Champion. Well done to Oscar and Toby - what achievements!

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