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  • Enhancement Day

    Enhancement Day

Article Date: 04 July 2024

Article Date: 04 July 2024

Yesterday, all students in years 7, 8 and 9 were off their normal timetable and taking part in a series of activities, based on the following themes: Year 7 - Safety - First Aid, Road Safety, Mental Health, E-Safety and Fire Safety. Year 8 - Power and Protest - a session on Democracy, Protest, Using your Voice, Active Hope and Climate Emergency. Year 9 - SVCS Values (Be Kind, Be Brave, be Ambitious, Collaborate) and Careers. We are very proud of the students for making the most of these opportunities and we are also very grateful to staff who ran sessions and the following external providers: ex-student Holly Jacobs from Road safety - Suffolk County Council, Annie O'Neill from OM Health & Wellbeing Consultancy, Bury St. Edmunds (, our local Fire Service and apprentices from Additional supporting resources were sent out in the most recent parent/carer bulletin. It was a very exciting day full of positivity.

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