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  • Gold Mental Health Award

    Gold Mental Health Award

Article Date: 26 June 2023

Article Date: 26 June 2023

Some good news!

You may or may not remember that 3 years ago SVCS achieved the Bronze School Mental Health Award from the Carnegie School of Education and Centre for Excellence in Mental Health, well last week we officially achieved the GOLD AWARD! This is largely due to our whole school approach, including mentoring, many methods of collecting student voice, website and support systems, as well as the fact that the Code of Ethics has been shared nationally at the Schools and Academies Show Conference in May 2023. A case study of this will be published in July 2023 and other schools are starting to implement the same idea, supported by us.

I'm really chuffed and incredibly proud of anyone and everyone who helped and supported this achievement. Thank you, Miss Howard, Mental Health Lead.

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