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  • Trip to the West End

    Trip to the West End

Article Date: 27 June 2023

Article Date: 27 June 2023

On Wednesday 21st June, a group of 47, Year 8 and 9 students took a trip to London to experience life in the West End. We started at Danceworks Studios near Oxford Street and quietly made our way through professional auditions and dance classes to our own private studios. We spent the morning learning stage techniques and professional choreography from Disney’s Frozen with West-End tutors. This opportunity is not afforded to members of the general public and the choreography is so top secret, there was strictly no filming allowed!

From there, we made our way across a very busy Central London to Drury Lane’s Theatre Royal, currently owned by Andrew Lloyd-Webber, where we were treated to a performance of Frozen. Samantha Barks took the lead role of Elsa, whom you may recognise from her appearance alongside Anne Hathaway and Eddie Redmayne in Les Miserable (2012). After an accomplished and visually stunning performance, we left London with an experience we won’t forget.

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