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  • Green Day 2023

    Green Day 2023

Article Date: 24 March 2023

Article Date: 24 March 2023

GREEN DAY! Our third Green Day has been a huge success with around £725 raised for green initiatives around the school. We want to thank students, parents and staff for bringing and buying cake and for the many donations to the Graffle. We would also like to congratulate all our winners today. The endangered animals art competition attracted beautiful entries. Ira won the 1st prize of two tickets to Colchester Zoo for her stunning painting, with Evie and Amy winning runner-up prizes. Lewis and Charlotte were dressed in green from head to toe and won a prize each. The raffle had some amazing prizes, including vouchers for Willow Tree Farm shop and The Swan in Clare, for which we warmly thank them. The Graffle hamper was won by Rose. We also welcomed James Cartlidge MP to the school to address Year 8 climate concerns. They had written to him earlier in the year and as a result he wanted to come in and talk to them in person. Many students put their hand up to ask him a question and James was particularly impressed with the knowledge and awareness from the students on the Climate Emergency Committee. Thank you to everyone involved today and hope you all enjoyed it.

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