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  • Knife Crime Sessions In School

    Knife Crime Sessions In School

Article Date: 29 March 2023

Article Date: 29 March 2023
Today we had someone in school from St Giles Trust delivering sessions to the whole school on Knife Crime.
The aims of the sessions were to ensure that our students can:
• Describe reasons that make young people vulnerable to carrying knives
• Identify risks and consequences of carrying a knife
• Explain why there is no safe place to stab someone
• Recognise the increasing involvement of women and girls in knife crime
• Know that carrying a knife is a crime that can carry a four year prison sentence
Students were advised to think carefully about what they are watching on social media, including music videos, as watching violent things can de-sensitise them to violence and things that someone their age really should find shocking.
They were told that any person, be that a friend or anyone that is supposed to care about them, who puts them in an unsafe position, such as asking them to carry a knife, clearly does not have their best interests at heart.
They were told about incidents of serious injury and death from just carrying a knife – how there are more cases than they might think of people carrying knives falling onto them.

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