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  • Year 9 Careers Day

    Year 9 Careers Day

Article Date: 15 February 2024

Article Date: 15 February 2024

Valentine’s Day at SVCS took a different turn yesterday, with year 9s undertaking 4 sessions focused on future career opportunities and post-16 plans. They had 2 hours with the Medical Mavericks looking at skills in health and science including drunk goggles, keyhole surgery and taking blood. 1 hour with police learning about the risks of County Lines as well as careers in policing - some students even had an experience in handcuffs! Another hour was spent accessing Morrisby, our careers platform to consider GCSE options and career aptitude. Their final session was a careers enterprise task which was judged by local professionals. As well as this they had an assembly from the Eastern Education Group outlining post-16 opportunities including apprenticeships, A Levels, College courses and others.

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